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Gîtes de France N°G6047 (Le gîte du tonnelier)

  from 1 to 5 pers.
Detached holiday cottage within a complex. Ground floor: Living room with fireplace - Equipped kitchen opening onto sitting room with terrace access. Upstairs: Landing with desk - 2 bedrooms (one 160-cm bed - three 90-cm beds) - Separate WCs - Private garden of 300 m² (within 4,000-m² park) - Garden furniture - Barbecue - Deck chairs - Beds made upon arrival - Heating charged according to consumption. Internet. Isabelle and Olivier warmly welcome you to their fully renovated holiday cottage, nestled in a verdant setting on the edge of a forest in the "Little Switzerland of Picardy". Built of stone, occupying the former stable and cowshed of the 19th-century property.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem