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Gîtes de France N°G602009 (Le Gîte de l'Antre de Saint)

  from 1 to 10 pers.
On the ground floor: You will have a large 38m² living room / lounge with decorative fireplace, a fully equipped kitchen, wc, bathroom, 1 bedroom with 160x200 bed and 1 bedroom with 2 90x190 beds. Upstairs: 1 bedroom with 1 160x200 bed, a relaxation lounge area with a sofa bed for 2 people and TV, two bedrooms with 2 single beds, a bathroom with WC. 1000m² wooded garden around the house with garden furniture and barbecue.
You will park your vehicle in the closed courtyard of the cottage For your greatest pleasure the beds are made on your arrival. The cottage has all the baby equipment (1 cot with mattress, 1 bath, 1 high chair, 1 changing mat)
Wifi internet To preserve the tranquility and serenity of the place, festive evenings are not allowed. A deposit of 1500 € will be requested upon arrival. Located in Saint-Paul, in the Oise, Le gîte de l'Antre de Saint will seduce you with its traditional architecture and its green setting. Nestled on the heights of the village, the 3 hectare property offers a splendid view of the surrounding landscape. Close to all leisure activities and all amenities, this is the ideal place to put your suitcases.
You can walk or cycle to different paths for beautiful walks. On site, the Parc St Paul will welcome young and old for unforgettable moments. Within a radius of 15km, you will find, among other things, Beauvais with its airport, train station, cathedral and lake; as well as Gerberoy, one of the most beautiful villages in France. Only 68 km from Paris, we assure you a total change of scenery. Beauvais (5km), Amiens (50km), Chantilly (60km) or Paris (68km).

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem