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Gîtes de France N°G1020 (L'orée du bois)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
A quiet stay in the heart of nature in a pretty gîte de France. The gîte has on its ground floor a main room with an open fitted kitchen, a very cozy living room with a fireplace and a television. A beautiful space for cocooning evenings by the fire! Upstairs, the landing leads to a bathroom equipped with a shower, a sink, a toilet; and two bedrooms. Beds are made on arrival. The cottage is located on the hiking trail, and the edge of the woods which offers you many possibilities. You are 5 minutes from Noyon where you find all the services, shops, doctor, swimming pool, cinema ... And near major tourist places such as the armistice wagon, the hortillonnages of Amiens, Château de Compiègne or Pierrefonds, the city of the Boatmen and many other places all so different. You have internet access. A quiet stay in the heart of nature in a pretty cottage located in a dead end. The cottage is located on the hiking route, and the edge of the wood which offers you multiple possibilities. You are 5 minutes from Noyon where you find all the services, shops, doctor, swimming pool, cinema... And near major tourist sites such as the wagon of the armistice (35km), the hortillonnages of Amiens (76 km), Château de Compiègne (36 km) or Pierrefonds (45 km), the city of boatmen (23 km) and many other places all so different.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem