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Gîtes de France N°G6075 (Gîte de Mr et Mme Petit)

  from 1 to 6 pers.
On site, in the village you will find a producer of strawberries and vegetables.
Beauvais 18 km. Compiègne 45 km. Amiens 60 km. Paris 97 km.
20 km from Beauvais hospital. HYGIENE: Provision of cleaning products and bleach On site, in the village you will find a producer of strawberries and vegetables.
Beauvais 18 km. Compiegne 45 km. Amiens 60 km. Paris 97 km.
20 km from Beauvais Hospital. HYGIENE: Provision of cleaning products and bleach
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Gîtes de France N°G6065 (Gîte de Madame Petit)

  from 1 to 6 pers.
Madame Petit welcomes you to her independent 102 m² gîte.
It has a second independent gîte for 6 people, ideal for family reunions or stays with friends; On site, in the village you will find a producer of strawberries and vegetables.
Beauvais 18 km. Compiègne 45 km. Amiens 60 km. Paris 97 km.
20 km from Beauvais hospital. HYGIENE: Provision of cleaning products and bleach Madame Petit welcomes you to her independent gite of 102 m².
It has a second independent cottage for 6 people ideal for family reunions or stays with friends; On site, in the village you will find a producer of strawberries and vegetables.
Beauvais 18 km. Compiegne 45 km. Amiens 60 km. Paris 97 km.
20 km from Beauvais Hospital. HYGIENE: Provision of cleaning products and bleach

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem