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Gîtes de France N°G600029 (Le Marronnier)

  from 1 to 6 pers.
A dream location for guaranteed relaxation: if you like nature and large volumes, this cottage is for you. This 150 m² gîte, fully fenced, preserves your privacy, its terrace overlooks a wooded meadow where the owners sometimes put their sheep.
On the ground floor, you will have a fully equipped kitchen, a large living room with fireplace. A bathroom and WC, a bedroom for 2 people.
Upstairs: 3 bedrooms each with 1 double bed, a large bathroom with a corner bath, separate WC.
Bicycles available. We welcome you in the countryside, in a house with all the comforts, in a small, very quiet village, where you will have the opportunity to meet different breeders. You can also go for walks or bike rides on pleasant paths. Roye 20 km. Compiègne 23 km. Noyon 30 km. Amiens 50 km. Beauvais 60 km.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem