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Gîtes de France N°G6041 (Gîte de Mr Le Roy)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
Patrick welcomes you to his cottage ideally located in the heart of the Plateau Picard in La Neuville-Roy, a pied-à-terre that will allow you to discover the Oise Compiègne 22 km, Noyon 37 km, Chantilly 40 km, Beauvais 41 km. A house that has been totally restored where the charm and character have been preserved, while bringing a touch of modern comfort. Patrick welcomes you to his gite ideally located in the heart of the Plateau Picard in La Neuville-Roy, a base that will allow you to discover the Oise and recharge your batteries. When you come to our "Hauts de France" region, you will discover a wide range of tourist attractions.
Whether you are a couple, a family with children, or between friends, whether you are passionate about culture, history, whether you want to enjoy the amusement parks, or simply rest, walk in the forest, in the fields , on foot or by bike, you will keep excellent memories of your stay. Discover Compiègne 22 km, Noyon 37 km, Chantilly 40 km, Beauvais 41 km.
1 hour from Gerberoy, Amiens and Paris and 1h30 from the Baie de Somme or Lille. A house that has been completely restored where the charm and character have been preserved, while bringing a touch of modern comfort.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem