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Gîtes de France N°G1041 (Gîte de Cilia)

  from 1 to 3 pers.
Detached house in a unit. Ground floor: kitchen area, microwave. TV, DVD, fireplace. 1st floor: 1 bedroom (1 double bed) - 1 bedroom (1 double bed). 1 additional bed for 1 person. Shower room/wc. Washing machine. Cot at disposal. Private garden (100m²) in an estate of 4000m². Garden furnitures, bbq. Electric heating included. Gaetan et Marie-Anne accomodate you in old sluice-gate truss, entirely renovated. You will discover strange decoration and talking benefits of a 4000m² paysaged park. The Gîte is an old renovated barn located in a charming country village between Senlis and Crépy in the south of Oise, 40 minutes north of Paris. 10mn A1 - 12mn Senlis - 25mn Château Chantilly - 30mn Château Pierrefonds - 15mn Parc Astérix, Mer de Sable Ermenonville, Abbey of Chaalis - 25mn Roissy Airport and Parc Expositions Villepinte - 50mn Disneyland. The Gîte is independent with its private garden planted with trees on a 4000m² property. At the foot of the property passes a footpath conducive to beautiful walks, beautiful course in the woods before returning to the plain.
Over the seasons you will appreciate the calm and the unobstructed view of the plain here, in the evening you will be able to see deer and deer.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem