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Gîtes de France N°G601903 (Le Moulin Alidor)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
56 m² apartment fitted out for 4 people (2 bedrooms) located on the ground floor of an independent house, housing 2 other apartments. Equipped kitchen (dishwasher, coffee maker, oven, microwave, refrigerator...) open to the living room with a TV, a sofa. 2 bedrooms for 2 people each (1 bed 140x190 cm - 2 beds 90x190 cm). Shower room and WC. Garden shared by the 3 apartments - Electric heating according to consumption. Internet connection. Shared washing machine. Non-smoking cottage. "Le Moulin Alidor" is an apartment located in the city center of Crevecoeur-le-Grand, close to shops (restaurants, pharmacies, delicatessens, local produce store, supermarket...). .. You are ideally located between Beauvais and its Cathedral (23 km) and Amiens (Hortillonnage, cathedral) (40 km), the town of Crevecoeur is characterized for its 16th century castle. You can discover:
- The Beauvaisis steam train on site,
- Hetomesnil and its Museum of Agricultural and Rural Life in the Oise (4km),
- Gerberoy, one of the most beautiful villages in France (22km),
- Compiègne and its Imperial Palace (66km),
- The Chantilly estate (66km)
- Le Tréport or Mers-les-Bains (77km)
- Paris (116km). For your professional or private stays, Véronique will be happy to introduce you to her tastefully furnished gîte.
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Gîtes de France N°G601904 (Château de la poussière)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
46 m² apartment fitted out for 4 people (2 bedrooms) located on the 1st floor of an independent house, housing 2 other apartments. Equipped kitchen (dishwasher, coffee maker, oven, microwave, refrigerator...) open to the living room with a TV, a sofa. 2 bedrooms for 2 people each (1 bed 140x190 cm - 2 beds 90x190 cm). Shower room and WC. Garden shared by the 3 apartments - Electric heating according to consumption (meter reading). Internet connection (Wi-Fi). Shared washing machine. Non-smoking cottage. A public car park is adjacent to the cottages, you can park there during your stay.
On site 2 other cottages for 2 people and 4 people. (Possibility to accommodate 8 people in total) G601903 + G601905 "The Castle of dust" is an apartment located in the city center of Crevecoeur -le-Grand, close to shops (restaurants, pharmacies, delicatessens, local produce store, supermarket...). .. You are ideally located between Beauvais and its Cathedral (23 km) and Amiens (Hortillonnage, cathedral) (40 km), the town of Crevecoeur is characterized for its 16th century castle. You can discover:
- The Beauvaisis steam train on site,
- Hetomesnil and its Museum of Agricultural and Rural Life in the Oise (4km),
- Gerberoy, one of the most beautiful villages in France (22km),
- Compiègne and its Imperial Palace (66km),
- The Chantilly estate (66km)
- Le Tréport or Mers-les-Bains (77km)
- Paris (116km). For your professional or private stays, Véronique will be happy to introduce you to her tastefully furnished gîte.
A deposit of 50 € for cleaning will be requested upon your arrival by the owner.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem