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Gîtes de France N°G6092 (Gîte de Mme Becquet)

  from 1 to 3 pers.
Detached house within a complex on a former farm. Ground floor: Equipped kitchen, microwave, dishwasher – living room with fireplace, TV – bathroom/WC, washing machine. Upstairs: mezzanine (1 double bed, 1 single banquette-bed) – 1 bedroom (1 single bed). Garden, garden furniture, barbecue. Closed entrance garage. Baby cot and highchair available. Heating included. Welcome to the hamlet of La Houssoye, where you will enjoy the calm of the countryside, nature and walks. Located just 2.6 km from Crèvecoeur le Grand where you will find all the shops (restaurants, bakery, butcher, pharmacy, mini-market...), as well as the green belt, a vast expanse of forest crossed by a path, an old line of path of iron, which makes it possible to make beautiful hikes or simple walks. To visit nearby:
Gerberoy, one of the most beautiful villages in France (21 km), Beauvais & its Saint-Pierre Cathedral, the Saint Lazare maladrerie (23 km) The lake of Canada in Beauvais (23 km),
Parc Saint-Paul, family amusement park (29km),
Amiens, its Cathedral, the St Leu district, Les Hortillonages (38km),
Compiègne and its imperial palace (72 km),
Chantilly and its domain (75 km)
Le Tréport and its beaches (77km),
Paris (130 km)
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Gîtes de France N°G601905 (La cour d'honneur du château)

  from 1 to 2 pers.
In a detached house, 30 m² apartment on the 2nd floor attic. Equipped kitchen open to living room (oven, microwave, dishwasher). Living room, TV. 1 bedroom (2 single beds). Bathroom. WC. WIFI connection. Garden shared with other tenants. Shared washing machine. In the heart of Green Picardy, ideally located between Beauvais (23 km) and Amiens (51 km), the town of Crevecoeur is characterized for its 16th century castle. For your professional or private stays, Véronique and Pascal will be happy to introduce you to their tastefully decorated and furnished gîte.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem