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Gîtes de France N°G1018 (Gîte de Mme Minguet)

  from 1 to 3 pers.
The cottage is located in a quiet village in the heart of the Oise, which will allow you to discover the tourist attractions of the department: Imperial Palace of Compiègne at 27 km. City of the Boatmen of Longueil Annel at 34 km. Beauvais 42 km. Pierrefonds Castle 38 km. Mer de Sable d'Ermenonville 47 km. Parc Asterix 50 km. Noyon 51 km. Paris 90 km. Cressonsacq is a village of around 450 souls, quiet located in the heart of the Oise. Its central position makes it an ideal place to visit the jewels of the region: the imperial city of Compiègne (27 km); the Château de Pierrefonds (38 km); the Chantilly area (40 km), the city of the Boatmen of Longueil Annel (34 km), Beauvais and its Saint Pierre cathedral (42 km); Mer de Sable d'Ermenonville (47 km), the Parc Astérix (50 km. ), Noyon 51 km, Paris 90 k, Amiens and its Hortillonnages (100 km). You will find there just 2 km in the neighboring village: a bakery, a grocery store, a butcher / caterer. Every Thursday, you can buy your vegetables there. An itinerant fishmonger passes through the village every Wednesday evening. The nearest supermarkets are 8 km away.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem