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Gîtes de France N°G600022 (Vue sur Chantilly)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
42 km from Paris, David and Clare welcome you to Chantilly (jewel of French heritage and city of horses), in a completely renovated apartment, where design and decoration combine old charm with modern comfort. This charming and very comfortable apartment is ideally located in the heart of the city of the horse, a 15-minute walk from the RER D station (from Gare de Lyon in Paris) In a 1900 building facing south, you will enjoy a direct view of the Chantilly racecourse and you will be able to discover the castle, the Condé museum, the largest stables in Europe and attend the various major races and grand prix (Prix de Diane, Prix du Jockey Club, Longines Global Champions Tour ...). The whole town of Chantilly is accessible on foot (main streets and shops). To visit the castle, a 10-minute walk will be necessary.
Spoken English. Home provided by the owners at the gîte address: 8 rue d'Aumale - Chantilly 60500 42 km from Paris, David and Clare welcome you to Chantilly (jewel of French heritage and city of horses), in a completely renovated apartment, where design and decoration combine the charm of the old with modern comfort. This charming and very comfortable apartment is ideally located in the heart of the city of horses, 15 minutes walk from the RER D station (from the Gare de Lyon in Paris) In a 1900 building facing south, you will enjoy a direct view of the Chantilly racecourse and you can discover the castle, the Condé museum, the largest stables in Europe and attend the various major races and grand prix (Prix de Diane, Prix du Jockey Club, Longines Global Champions Tour...). The whole town of Chantilly is accessible on foot (main streets and shops). To visit the castle, a 10-minute walk will be necessary.
Spoken English. Reception provided by the owners at the address of the gîte: 8 rue d'Aumale - Chantilly 60500

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem