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Gîtes de France N°G600050 (Ecolo'gîte)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
The Ecolo'gîte (50 m²), on one level, is located in the closed property of Bérengère and Paul. It consists of 2 bedrooms for 2 people each, a bathroom with Italian shower, a fully equipped kitchen open to the dining room and the living room with a pellet stove, TV. You will have an outdoor terrace and a small garden in front of the gîte (not enclosed), barbecue in summer. You can park your vehicle on the property in the parking lot reserved for you.
For your comfort, everything is included in the rental price, the beds are made on your arrival, the towels and house linen are included, as well as the pellets for the stove. You have a Wifi connection in the cottage. Bérengère and Paul welcome you to their Ecolo'gîte, a brand new wooden frame house that meets ecological construction criteria that our owners will explain to you with pleasure and passion. This lodging is a sweet mixture of good taste and good practices. It is located in the village of Candor in the heart of the country of sources, near Noyon (10 km), Roye (10 minutes), Compiègne (Imperial Palace) 32 km. Soissons 52 km. Pierrefonds Castle 51 km. Laon 63 km. Amiens 65 km. Domaine de Chantilly 74 km. Paris 114 km.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem