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Gîtes de France N°G600039 (Les Merles)

  from 1 to 8 pers.
Independent gîte of 150 m² with wooded garden of 2,500 m2 and private, enclosed parking. On the ground floor: you will enjoy a large living room with insert fireplace (wood included), television, DVD, stereo, a beautiful dining room with bay window allowing you to enjoy the view. The kitchen is fully equipped and opens directly onto the terrace giving access to the garden furniture.
A bedroom for 2 people (1 bed 160) is fitted out on the ground floor, as well as a shower room and WC. A second living room with board games, books and magazines is arranged below the dining room. Upstairs, 3 bedrooms: (1 double bed), (2 single beds), (1 double bed) with a second shower room and toilets. Heating is extra from 01/11 to 26/04 (meter reading - count about 10€/day for reasonable consumption at 19°) - Wood for the insert is provided free of charge. The cottage is spacious (150 m²), furnished and decorated with great taste in a chic country spirit.
Located 80 km from Paris, 9 km from the Imperial Palace of Compiègne, 20 km from Château Pierrefonds and 40 km from Domaine de Chantilly. You will enjoy a superb view overlooking the forest of Compiègne, which will enchant you whatever the season. This cottage is ideal for stays with family, friends or with your whole tribe! It has been designed, fitted out and decorated in the spirit of a family home. This cottage is equipped to allow you to telecommute (space dedicated to work with electrical outlets, broadband internet connection, 4G telephone coverage). So that your stay is a real break, the beds are made on arrival, the bathroom and household linen is provided and if you come with your family, the baby equipment is already on site (cot, high chair, reducer, potty). , games). Wireless This cottage is not accessible to people with disabilities.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem