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Gîtes de France N°G600021 (Le clos Saint-Pierre)

  from 1 to 4 pers.
Ideally located in the heart of the village, in the quiet of a dead end. Ideal place to alternate visiting Paris and discovering many cultural activities such as the Mother-of-pearl and tabletterie museum, the Domaine de Chantilly (30 km) capital of the horse, Auvers sur Oise (27 km) and its impressionists or the Isle Adam (23 km). Saint-Pierre de Beauvais Cathedral 25 km. Pontoise 29 km. Ideally located in the heart of the village, in a quiet cul-de-sac. Ideal place to alternate visiting Paris and discovering many cultural activities such as the Museum of Mother-of-Pearl and Tablets, the Domaine de Chantilly (30 km) capital of the horse, Auvers sur Oise (27 km) and its impressionists or the Isle Adam (23 km). Saint-Pierre de Beauvais Cathedral 25 km. Pontoise 29 km.

* Price
Réalisation & Réservation en ligne : Alliance Réseaux Opensystem